
01. Onboard

Our work and potential collaboration starts with a complimentary 30-minute phone call. This gives you the opportunity to learn about our services and how they might fit with what you want to achieve in your outdoor space. We will discuss your needs in a general way and if you decide you would like to go ahead, the next step is an on-site consultation.

02. Define

Before stopping by to meet with you, we will have done some research on your site and your location, and will have thought a bit about the needs and wants you identified during our telephone conversation.

When we meet in person at your property, we can discuss things in a more detailed manner–including both of our thoughts, ideas and ultimate vision for your space.

Once we have zeroed in on the scope of the work, we can then determine the fee for your conceptual design plan, should you decide to continue the process. Often we will discuss this at the end of our on-site consultation.

03. Design

The conceptual design plan will reflect our discussions about your space and will be a visual representation of your needs and wants. It will include an elevation drawing (view from one side), as well as some information about types of materials and plants.

Once the conceptual design is approved and the project is budgeted, a final proposal is submitted to the client. If you decide to proceed and have us build the project, the conceptual design fee will be deducted from your contract at the time of signing.

04. Build

The building phase is when it all comes together and your vision comes to life. We will work hard to create a beautiful, well-constructed landscape that will increase your enjoyment of your outdoor space, as well as add to the property value of your home.